Puncak Pass
The main link road that connects Bogor and Bandung leads through a beautiful winding mountain road on the well-known Puncak Pass. Although the appearance of the road is now somewhat ” marred ” by the presence of the many stalls, this route for many it still is one of the most beautiful autoroutes of Java due to the spectacular views over the endless rice fields and tea plantations. The literal meaning of the word ” Puncak ” is “top”. The top of the pass is at an altitude of about 1500 meters. That summit offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding tea plantations. Especially in the morning there is a good chance to see here tea pickers with their large baskets and their big characteristic sunscreen hats on the tea fields at work. It’s – at the foot of the pass – possible to visit the tea factory Gunung Mas. One can visit the plantations and the whole tea production process can be seen during a tour.
It’s also possible to see the Telaga Warna. It’s a short walk from the pass to this small volcanic lake, whose water depending on the weather seems to change color. Another tourist attraction, just south of the Puncak Pass, is the beautiful botanical garden in Cibodas (Kebun Raya Cibodas). This landscaped garden – in 1862 created by the Dutch on the slopes of Puncak – is a branch of the famous botanical garden in Bogor.
Because it is relatively cool on the Puncak Pass due to the altitude, this area is very popular with the people of Jakarta and its surroundings. In this way they try to escape to the scorching heat of the low-lying urban areas. So keep in mind that the Puncak Pass especially on weekends and public holidays can be very busy and congestion then surely is no exception here.